The total number of seats is about 60. The first floor is designed like a living room, with sofas, a European-style fireplace and several tables for four. Going up through a retro spiral staircase, the second floor is an expansive space for a large number of people. There is also an private room for ten people to dine together.
The VIP room was inspired by Sun Yet-Sen’s famous work “London Distress” which happened in 1896. Mr. Sun was imprisoned on the third floor of the Chinese Embassy in London, in a room with grilles on the window. After his imprisonment, he made repeated attempts to escape but the security was tightened. However, his fame as a revolutionary became known to Cole, an English cleaner, who smuggled out a letter to Sun’s teacher, who then secured his release. As a result, to create the unique and private VIP room, we designed the space with half-filled windows that create the feeling of a secret hidden room and add to the overall atmosphere; the furnishings and the cystal chandelier also make the room feel intimate, but not restrictive.
The only sofa of its kind in Taiwan is from Christopher Guy, a famous British brand, widely used by the world’s top designers. The Yet-sen Mansion imported it for nearly $200,000 from Britain. The exquisite workmanship and elegant lines of the chair back look like textured metal, but it is actually carved from wood, and the roses have all been carved by hand. The modern design is very fashionable, with not only classical elements, but also a contemporary artistic look.
Mr. Dai enjoys sharing his heartfelt stories with others. A bunch of bananas hanging in front of the courtyard of the Guest House has become an eye-catching feature, and is a part of a story full of love. An aboriginal friend of Mr. Dai’s, who lives in the city, travels to the mountains of Nantou’s Guoshu Village every week just to visit his father, who is over 80 years old. The father, who loves his son dearly, always gives his son organic bananas that he grew as a gift for his return trip, and to share with friends. Mr. Dai would like to share this touching and emotional story with his own friends and guests who come to Yet-Sen Mansion. As a result, he hangs the bananas on a lanyard every week for them to freely enjoy.
In Chinese culture, the leopard is a symbol of wealth, power and status, as well as a symbol of good fortune and luck. In the era of Sun Yet-Sen, they were a common ornament among government and noble families. Seemingly overbearing and arrogant, in fact, groups of these animals have a playful nature. So these sculptures of leopard pairs, gently accompanying each other, embellish the warm and honorable atmosphere of the Sun Yet-Sen Guest House.
The Yet-Sen Mansion offers a complete experience with great food, service and ambience, and the bar on the first floor is a spectacular highlight that attracts the attention of the public. Renovations in 2018 created a stylish bar with a wide range of fine wines. The bartenders/sommeliers are in close contact with our customers, adding a touch of modern chic to a building that has a flavor of 1920s Shanghai.